Understanding people in their own language, culture and attitude: The whole world is interconnected and interculturality plays a significant role in today's working world. When different cultures and nations work together, it is essential that stumbling blocks and misunderstandings are avoided. Intercultural competence can help one to understand one's counterpart, one's business partner(s) - not only linguistically, but culturally.
More InfoSpeeches, technical texts, journalistic contributions for magazines and publishing houses, ghostwriting, interviews and podcasts.
More InfoIntercultural coaching for managers, specialists, executives and project teams of companies and groups active internationally.
More InfoPresentations for seminars, conferences, congresses, incentives, events, workshops as well as interview partner for panel discussions.
More Info Perfectly prepared for doing business in China: China is an important trading partner for Germany and Europe and is one of the target business regions for companies the world over. However, dealing with Chinese culture has to be mastered. Intercultural competence is indispensable for successful and conflict-free business relations in China, and is therefore becoming increasingly important for German managers, specialists and executives working in China.
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